July 14, 2007

Longest Perfect Attendance Record?

An article was recently posted in a newspaper in Tallahassee about a 93 year old Rotarian who has never missed a meeting in 73 years. He claims to be one of four people who are in the running for the longest unbroken record of attendance in Rotary history. That is a remarkable feat? That raises the question: Who has the longest unbroken attendance record in District 7910? Any volunteers?

Here is the link: http://www.tallahassee.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070711/ECHRONICLE/707120323/-1/RSS18

July 11, 2007

Blog Visitors On The Rise

Well, since starting this blog we've spanned the globe with readers. If you haven't seen the Site Meter at the bottom of the page it's worth viewing. To date we've had vistors from Japan, Switzerland, the UK, Norway, Turkey, India, France, Brazil, Argentina and a host of States right here at home. My wish is that we generate more stories from our own district in the form of club posts. It's really exciting to see how far news about our district travels on the internet.

New to blogging - it's easy. All you need to do is send me an email if you're a local Rotarian and I'll send you an invite to become an author. After that, it's as simple as logging in and making a post about your club or district. The world wants to hear from your club, why not blog something today??

July 6, 2007

District Website conversion

District 7910 now has a new home! The conversion to Clubrunner for the district website has been completed, streamlining the way all of our clubs in the district report their numbers and communicates. A big thanks to Larry McCleod for creating the original district website and maintaining it for so many years. Special thanks to Cheryl Rosen for proofing the data and making contributions for the success of the conversion.

You can access the site via the link on this blog's side bar or going direct to http://www.clubrunner.ca/dprg/DxHome/_home.aspx?did=7910. All clubs are encouraged to create logins and explore the site. Looks like Greg is off to a great start in his year as DG.