March 29, 2007

Need New Members? MVR To Host A 1-Hour Seminar On Recruitment Techniques

Vincent Borkowski from the Southboro Club, has developed highly successful techniques on how to find and approach new members for your Rotary.

At the April 11th meeting of the Merrimack Valley Rotary, Vincent will pack into just one-hour, his full-day seminar on recruitment. Other Rotarians are welcome to join the Merrimack Valley Rotary Club for breakfast that day and take in Vincent's highly motivational and informative presentation.

The only cost of the event is the price of breakfast, which is $11.00. The Merrimack Valley Rotary meets every Wednesday at Skips Restaurant in Chelmsford from 7:15 AM - 8:30 AM.

For more information contact Ken Masson at (978) 446-9366 or by writing to

GSE Ambassador to Brazil speaks

2006 Group Study Exchange (GSE) ambassador to Brazil, Geralyn Burke, made her presentation to the Merrimack Valley Club at this Wednesday's meeting. The Merrimack Valley club sponsored her trip to Brazil in 2006 with funds from the Rotary Foundation. Geralyn told us of the profound impact the trip had on her life and of the possitive experiences she had while participating in the 4 week program.

Geralyn is in search of other Rotary clubs in need of a guest speaker, that would like to hear about her GSE experiences and about what she learned. The best way to have Geralyn visit your club is to contact the speaker chair from the Merrimack Valley.

March 23, 2007

District 7910 Assembly - Don't miss out!!

The District Assembly will be held on April 14 this year at the Doubletree Hotel in Westborough from 8 am to 1pm. Are you new to leadership within Rotary? Do you currently hold a leadership position within your club?? Do you wish you knew more about what happens around the district??? Attend the District Assembly for a better understanding of how it all goes together, where we're going as a district and have a little fun in the process. This event only happens once a year and it's an excellent opportunity to see first hand what the Governor will accomplish this year. Don't miss out!!

There is a small fee of $20 to cover the breakfast and the Lunch! You can register online at or by faxing to (508) 595-0184. Checks are payable to Rotary District 7910 and can be mailed to Cheryl Rosen, PO Box 3207, Worcester, MA 01613. If you have further questions please call Cheryl at (508) 791-9283. Please remember that you must register to attend!

See you April 14th!

March 16, 2007

DGE Greg Roche addresses incoming Presidents at PETS

DGE Greg Roche addresses incoming President Elects and Asssitant Governors at this years NEPETS held in Nashua, NH. Greg unveiled his plans for what promises to be an exciting and fun filled year for the district. His emphasis this year will be on furthuring club development and the expansion of new memberships.
Best of luck fo the upcoming year Greg!!


PE Naomi Pendergast of the Lowell club noticed this sign at the Courtyard Marriot during her stay for this years PETS in Nashua, NH. Pretty ironic and quite a laugh. Are they trying to tell us something? Even the manager got a chuckle.

March 13, 2007

Chelmsford Rotary Club

Chelmsford Rotary Club Fundraiser

An evening with John Stevens from "American Idol"
Brendan Murphy from "The Buddy Holly Story"

Date: Thursday, April 19, 2007
Time: 7:00 p.m. - Wine & hors d'oeuvres
Social Hour with the Stars
Concert: 8:00p.m.

Place: Lowell Memorial Auditorium

Price$50.00 per person

Contact : for tickets.

March 8, 2007

Merrimack Valley Club to host Antiques Roadshow

The Merrimack Valley Club will be hosting the Antiques Roadshow on the evening of June 6th 2007 at the Dracut Grange Hall on route 113 in Dracut, MA. Details on the fundraiser will be forthcoming.

In its 11th season, ANTIQUES ROADSHOW proves it will go to any lengths — more than 5,000 miles, in fact — to discover America's hidden treasures. Now they visit Dracut, MA to discover what you have hiding in your closet. Save the date for what promisses to be the event of the year.

Merrimack Valley Guest Speaker March 14th

Join us March 14th to hear Georgi Mueller's talk about affordable housing and 40b developments in Massachusetts. Georgi is on the Chelmsford Housing Committee and works locally as a Realtor. Meeting starts at 7:15am at Skips Restaurant in Chelmsford. See you there!

March 7, 2007

PDG Ralph Hammond visits the Merrimack Valley Club

PDG Ralph Hammond visited our club this morning to explain the benefits of the Rotary Foundation and how it can benefit our club and community. Each year District 7910 makes a significant contribution to the Foundation which enables every club in the District to recieve grant money for local and international projects. Ralph explained how to maximize the impact of club fundraising through matching grants as well as some of the programs like Group Study Exchange (GSE), Ambasadorial Scholarships and Peace Scholarships. All 0f these programs are all funded by club Foundation giving every year.

It's important to understand how the Foundation works and Ralph is more than willing to explain it's benefits to anyone with questions. At our March 28th meeting, 2006 GSE candidate Geralyn Burke, will be with us to share her experiences in Brazil. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about one the benefits of being a Rotarian.

March 2, 2007

Bob McDonald "Woodchuck Award"

The Merrimack Valley Club awarded the first ever "Bob McDonald Woodchuck Award" at their club meeting January 31st. The award was presented by current President Gordon "Hum" Neville to Bob McDonald in recognition of his recurring dream and subsequent tales about a woodchuck that stole his winning lottery ticket. It appears that Bob has been plagued visions of this Woodchuck for many years. Ken Masson, the creator of the award, felt that the story has been told so many times that an event commemorating his tale was long overdue. Bob also received a scratch lottery ticket which wasn't a winner.The Merrimack Valley Club will each year bestow this prestigious award upon the Rotarian that tells the biggest tale at one of our meetings. The award will be presented on the closest club meeting day to Groundhog day each year. Rotarians are welcome to join us for the ceremonies. We always look forward to having Rotarians visit our club with their stories. It's a great opportunity for fellowship and we always enjoy seeing new faces as well as the regulars. Think you have a winning tale?? Do a make up with us and you might be next years winner.Move over Punxsutawney Phil, the Merrimack Valley Club has the Bob McDonald Woodchuck Award !!