September 17, 2008

Networks and blogging - a Vision for our future

There are so many wonderful things that this District does that go unrecognized by the general public and even our own clubs. Over the last 5 years I've heard the same story and as I travelled from club to club as an Assistant Governor the resounding reply was " I didn't know that" or "How do I find out how to ..." . What occurred to me is that we need a stronger communications network that ties in all the clubs, the District, the Foundation and associated programs while at the same time giving each and every member in our District a voice. Technology has given us the opportunity to bring Rotary communication to a whole new level.

As mentioned in my previous post, blogs are a excellent way for clubs to gain public exposure, recruit new members, chronicle club activities, inform current members and link themselves to other clubs in the area, as well as the District.

Linking the clubs and the District via hyperlinks serves a number of benefits to our District. First and most importantly our placement on Internet searches when people surf the net. The more links we generate, the higher our placement becomes with various search engines. This is how you generate readership and subsequently generate a readership on all the activities and programs we develop. This will translate into a larger membership and greater fundraising potential.

My vision of an inter-District blog network is incredibly simple and will generate a quantum leap in club communications. First things first. We need to have each and every club within 7910 develop a blog of their own and post on a semi regular basis. Next, each of these blogs need to be hyperlinked to and from the District Blog. Concurrently, each club blog should be hyperlinked to a neighboring club which will complete the District network. Once this is complete all members can easily view the activities of a neighboring club for ideas, support and membership escalation. To the public, it will show the cohesiveness of the District.

My next post will detail the content needs of a club blog and some additional products that will enable the clubs to get a running start for the future.


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