March 7, 2007

PDG Ralph Hammond visits the Merrimack Valley Club

PDG Ralph Hammond visited our club this morning to explain the benefits of the Rotary Foundation and how it can benefit our club and community. Each year District 7910 makes a significant contribution to the Foundation which enables every club in the District to recieve grant money for local and international projects. Ralph explained how to maximize the impact of club fundraising through matching grants as well as some of the programs like Group Study Exchange (GSE), Ambasadorial Scholarships and Peace Scholarships. All 0f these programs are all funded by club Foundation giving every year.

It's important to understand how the Foundation works and Ralph is more than willing to explain it's benefits to anyone with questions. At our March 28th meeting, 2006 GSE candidate Geralyn Burke, will be with us to share her experiences in Brazil. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about one the benefits of being a Rotarian.

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