Need New Members? MVR To Host A 1-Hour Seminar On Recruitment Techniques
Vincent Borkowski from the Southboro Club, has developed highly successful techniques on how to find and approach new members for your Rotary.
At the April 11th meeting of the Merrimack Valley Rotary, Vincent will pack into just one-hour, his full-day seminar on recruitment. Other Rotarians are welcome to join the Merrimack Valley Rotary Club for breakfast that day and take in Vincent's highly motivational and informative presentation.
The only cost of the event is the price of breakfast, which is $11.00. The Merrimack Valley Rotary meets every Wednesday at Skips Restaurant in Chelmsford from 7:15 AM - 8:30 AM.
For more information contact Ken Masson at (978) 446-9366 or by writing to