December 31, 2007

Rotary Bangladesh Polio Trip Presentation, Jan. 23

January 23, 7:15 - 8:30 AM
Skips Restaurant, Chelmsford

Rotarians and nonrotarians alike are welcome to come hear Carl Good's presentation on his recent Rotary trip to India and Bangladesh. Carl went there with 17 other Rotarians from the United States, Canada, and Europe to help give out polio immunizations. Carl has photos and videos on what he calls " one of the best trips of his life."
Carl will make the presentation at the January 23 meeting of the Merrimack Valley Rotary. We are a breakfast group that meets at 7:15 AM at Skips Restaurant in Chelmsford. Breakfast is $11:00.

For more information contact Club president Ken Masson at 978-446-9366 or by writing to

For all of Carl's reports from his trip, visit the MV Rotary blog at

December 12, 2007

MVR's Carl Good Is One Of 700,000 Volunteers In Bangladesh Who Are Immunizing Children

Carl Good's latest report from Bangladesh

Others are waiting to use the computer so this will be short. We have finished our program in Bangladesh and will fly to Calcutta tomorrow for more visits to hospitals, orphanages and a hospice that was run by mother Teressa. The experience has been fantastic. I have stayed with a Vet. who is a Rotary member and president of his club to minimize expenses. During the day we would do the immunizations.
The first day the whole country was tackled seeking out every child under 5. This required 700,000 volunteers!!! Has any thing like this ever been done in the US?

Our group is a small part but Rotary in Bangladesh is the major driver and participant in this program. Before the NIDs one in 20 children in Bangladesh had polio. For four years due to this program, there were none. Then, several cases were seen in 2006 that were imported from India. Since then there has been none. The only way to keep polio in check is to make sure that the children continue to be immunized. We have met with WHO and UNICEF leaders in Bangladesh. They are expanding the program to other childhood immunizations.

The pictures attached show me doing an immunization, the cooler carried by the volunteers and paid ($1.30 per day) workers, some of the children in a slum being helped and the Rotary family that have put me up an taken care of me during my visit. Bangladesh is full of people. I have so much more to show and tell but time is limited tonight so this is it. My going was spur of the moment decision but one of the best decisions I ever made.

December 10, 2007

MVR Carl Good Reports On Polio Immunization Activites In Bangladesh

Merrimack Valley Rotary's Carl Good's latest posting from Bangladesh.....

Everything is going very well and the people have been extremely friendly. I should mention the great work done by our two leaders, Dave Groner (Michigan) and Ann Lee Hussey (Maine). They have been on over 10 of these Rotary polio immunization programs including sites in Africa and India. For these efforts each participant pays his or her own way to work in what can be dangerous environments.On Sat. the 8th we did the main immunization participating in the Bangladesh National Immunization Day where they try to immunize every child under 5 in the whole country.
They have immunization booths with a small cooler containing a few vials of vaccine all over the country, many staffed by local Rotary members. The organization is very impressive. There was a time not too long ago when one child in 20 had polio in this country. Before last year, due to this program they had several years in which the country was polio free. Last year however, polio was imported from India and a few cases were identified.I immunized children at several booths staffed by local rotary members and others.
The process is simple as one just squeezes two drops of oral vaccine in to the open mouth of the recipient. A lot of our job is to give the NID participants our support, encourage their efforts and sort of show the flag. I believe that we are the first American Rotary group to participate with the program in Bangladesh. Sunday the 9th I went house to house with a couple of young girls, Sumi and Lizu, (18 yrs old) looking for children that were missed on the NID (National Immunization Day). They are paid about $1.30 a day.
The purpose of the house to house effort is to find and immunize children that were missed on the NID. We would go to an apartment complex or slum and knock on every door to see if there was a child inside that had not been immunized and ask if there were other children in the building.After a home had been visited the girls would write the date and our team number on their door with chalk to indicate that the location had been visited. Some doors still had the chalk mark from the last visit earlier in the year. Most children at our locations had been immunized but I did another 6 in this effort. This clean up program lasts 4 days but is only done in the morning. Our base was a women’s health clinic that was also a polio immunization site. After our immunizing I talked to the director who showed me her small laboratory that does HIV tests along with a few other types of test such as pregnancy.To my very pleasant surprise they were using the Capillus rapid HIV test developed by one of my groups at Cambridge Biotech in the 90s. It was very fulfilling to see this product now made by Trinity Biotech in Ireland helping people half way around the world.
In the afternoon we drove out of Dhaka and visited a weaving plant owned by a Rotary member, a Bangladesh Rotary financed free housing project on a river and a Bangladesh Rotary financed arsenic free water system at a boy’s orphanage. This trip shows one what poverty really is. In the evening we had a dinner with the district president and other Rotary members. I went in native dress. Today, the 10th, we did house to house immunizations again, I worked with the same two girls. Each was dressed in a sari that would make you think that they were well to do.However, after our work was complete I visited Sumi’s home, an apartment, that was very small and seemed to house a number of people. We would consider it a slum.
I gave the children gifts and enjoyed some tea while we talked. By the way, most of the people are very clean but their homes and living environment is not. In the afternoon we visited a free woman’s hospital hearing a presentation and seeing some of the wards. It was minimal. They provide each mother with a plastic ware table setting and food box when they go home. The food box, enough for a few days, is provided once a month for 4 months. They hope to provide more food in the future.One must remember that this is the capital of the country and that things are worse outside the cities. I am on a dial up connection and cannot send any pictures but will do that at a later date. This is sad because the pictures really tell the story.
All the best Carl

December 6, 2007

MVR's Carl Good Continues Polio Project

Today we visited the WHO polio headquarters in Delhi and heard a presentation from the head of the program. Then we went to the airport and flew to Dhaka Bangladesh. They said that we had to be at the airport 3 hours before the flight and they were not kidding. The process took a long time. The baggage limitation was less on this flight than the international flight so we had to pay ~$350 in excess baggage fees. But we are now in a hotel in Dhaka and tomorrow will go to the homes of Rotary members who will host us for the rest of our stay in Bangladesh.

The trip from the airport was similar to that in Delhi with incredible traffic and many beggars who would attack our bus when we were caught at a light or stopped by traffic. However, here many we selling popcorn. I didn't know that it was so popular here. Many of the buses and taxes run on compressed natural gas as in Delhi to reduce pollution.

Flying in it was amazing that there was so much water considering that we are about 200km from the shore. This is certainly a wet country.

During each immunization effort 176 million children are immunized in 3-4 days
200 million houses visited
1.1 million house to house teams
2.7 million vaccinators deployed
155,00 supervisors deployed
800,000 booths set up

This is indeed a massive effort that is done several times a year, partially because of the high birth rate in the effected areas which are primarily in the north of the country. The country of India is now bearing about 70 % of the cost which was not the case in the past.
since the program started the incidence of polio has been reduced 99% but it still exists.

Rotary has contributed over 633 million dollars to the world wide effort over the years not to mention the in country and visiting Rotary volunteers that have participated in the program at their own expense.

The Gates matching grant of 100 million is large but not as large as what has already been contributed by Rotary members.

December 5, 2007

Carl Good Meets Polio Patients In Bangladesh

Latest post from Carl Good's blog.....pictured is Carl with some heart repair patients. Carl is from the Merrimack Valley Rotary Club.

Hi all,
Today we started out with an orientation meeting in the hotel lobby with more cautions with regard to the immunization process and our own intestinal health. While I am optimistic about the immunizations, my intestinal health may be another matter. We were told to bring our own toilet paper as well as avoiding anything that is not bottles or is steaming hot. Tomorrow we start by visiting the World Health Organization headquarters in Delhi and then fly to Dhaka. Tomorrow night will be in a hotel but from then on we will be staying at the home of a Rotary member in Bangladesh. There will be 2.4 million immunizations using the oral Sabin vaccine in this effort with the participation of 4,000 local Rotary members from 52 clubs. Our group will be doing some of the immunizations which require us to get the drops into the child's mouth.After our orientation meeting this morning we were bussed to the Escorts Heart Institute that has Rotary support and met with doctors and patients. For children the most common operation is closing a hole between the two sides of the heart which costs about $1,600. A man from the Netherlands was there who funds one operation a month from his own funds. Rotary provides support through the "Gift of Life" project. It is amazing how many Rotary clubs there are in India and Bangladesh and how active they are in this and the polio immunization program.In the afternoon we went to St. Stephens Hospital, the oldest in India, and visited the polio ward, talks to patients and doctors. It is heart wrenching to see these deformed children knowing that the disease is preventable. The hospital performs surgery to correct some of the deformity and provides braces and training for dealing with the disease. Again, Rotary provides support and most of the costs are not borne by the patients many of whom cannot afford the trip to Delhi for treatment. The program is being extended to outlying hospitals. In Bangladesh polio has been eradicated but has come back due to transmission from Nigeria through Pakistan and India. I suppose that the organizers scheduled this hospital visit so that we could see what happens if immunizations are not carried out. An interesting tidbit is that many children have chronic diarrhea which since the vaccine contains live virus and sanitation is poor, the immunized can actually provide immunizations to those they come in contact with that have not been officially immunized.

December 4, 2007

MVR' Carl Good Arrives In India

Below is Carl Good's, Merrimack Valley Rotary, first posting from his trip to Bangladesh. Carl is in India as of December 4. The report below is from his Blog.

After much snow, wind, earlier flight and harry landing in Newark, part of the group assembled for the flight to Delhi. Others are coming from Canada and Europe on separate flights. The guy next to me on the Boeing 777 flight to India was a native who is living in Albany NY for his children's education and returns to his home in Delhi three times a year. Soon he will go back for good.The 14 hr flight was pleasant as was the bus to the hotel. We all got wreaths of real marigolds. However, Delhi has a significant pollution problem with odder and haze. Supposedly it is much better than before. Tomorrow we have an orientation, WHO meeting and a hospital visit. The plan is to fly to Bangladesh the day after tomorrow to start work on vaccinations. All the best

December 1, 2007

MVR's Carl Good Heads To Bangladesh

Best of luck to Merrimack Valley Rotary member Carl Good, who is leaving with 17 Rotarians from the United States, Canada and Europe to Bangladesh on December 3. He will be in Bangladesh for two weeks immunizing for polio in that area. This project is funded by each individual and they will be staying with other Rotarians in the area to help defray costs.
Eradicatin of Polio is one of Rotary International's major projects and Bangladesh is one of the last area's in the world were cases of polio still exist.
The four countries including Nigeria, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, are still considered polio-endemic.
Two hundred and ten countries, territories and areas are now polio-free (including China), and 134 of these, which contain half the world’s population, have been certified polio-free by independent commissions.
Our hopes and prayers are with Carl and the other Rotarians who are taking on this important mission.
May it be a tremendous success!

November 3, 2007

Help The Environment & The Community!

The Merrimack Valley Rotary Club is involved in an ink cartridge recycling program.

The program both helps the environment and local charities. It helps the environment because ink cartridges contaminate the ground and take decades to decay. It helps local charities because each cartridge the Rotary recycles, the Club earns funds which it will give back to local charities.

How can you help? Instead of throwing away empty cartridges from your printer, fax machine and desktop copier, send them or save them for The Merrimack Valley Rotary. We’ll take it from there. We will recycle the cartridges through the FundingFactory to earn funds for the community.

Last year alone, more than 300 million cartridges were thrown away. We’re alleviating the volume of waste that goes into landfills, while doing something positive for the community.

If you have any questions about this great opportunity, please feel free to call the Merrimack Valley Rotary at 978-446-9366 or e-mail us at

October 21, 2007

Another Success Story!!

The Merrimack Valley club hosted another wildley successful Antiques Appraisal night last Wednesday. Stuart Whitehurst of the popular "Antiques Roadshow" put on another fabulous performance keeping us entertained and educated for the entire evening. Many interesting articles were evaluated with one painting believed to have a value of up to $50,000. What a surprise this was for the owner.

We plan to have another show in the Spring. As usual, this event was a sell out. Keep an eye out for the next one. This is a big hit!!

October 2, 2007

A Little Reading

I had the eye-opening pleasure of attending the Rotary International Conference in Copenhagen and Malmo in June 2006. If you haven't attended an RI Conference, put in on your life list. Seeing the breadth of our interests and projects is breath-taking and mind-boggling. But I began to wonder: what makes a project work?

At a workshop at the conference, I heard a great deal of discussion about the successes and failures of projects, and about the desire not to have to reinvent the wheel when implementing them. Resources for avoiding reinvention are available, of course - the RI website reports success stories, for one.

But for broader background, I'd like to recommend some books - The End of Poverty, by Jeffrey Sachs, and The White Man's Burden, Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good, by William Easterly. These two books will give you some some very different views, but both are great food for thought. I'd like to know of other titles any of you out there would like to recommend, and this is my modest contribution to what might be a useful book list.

Now we just need some time to read!

October 1, 2007


Imagine finding out that you have an item that is worth $30,000 - $50,000. That is what happened at the last Antiques Appraisal Night hosted by the Merrimack Valley Rotary Club. Who knows what treasures will be discovered at the next Antiques Appraisal night to be held on October 17 from 7-9 PM at the Tewksbury Hospital Old Chapel, on East Street in Tewksbury.
The event features Skinner’s appraiser Stuart Whitehurst of the famed Antiques Roadshow and is being held to raise much needed funds for equine therapy programs at T.H.E. FARM in Tewksbury.
T.H.E. FARM is a non-profit organization that provides therapeutic equestrian programs for the clients of the Tewksbury Hospital, as well as public riding programs and special events to individuals of all abilities. T.H.E. FARM is dedicated to providing a safe environment where therapeutic and equine education comes first.
“Certainly that valuable item was the extreme of the items that were brought to the last event, said Merrimack Valley Rotary President Ken Masson. “But there were other surprises such as paintings that were found in the trash that turned up worth several hundreds of dollars.”
Residents who have such items stored away in their closet, attics, and basements are urged to purchase a ticket to the show and find out just how much of a treasure they have. Appraisals are $20 and general admission is $10. For more information contact Ken Masson at
978-446-9366 or by writing to

September 17, 2007

Ahoy Mates!

Come one come all as th' Merrimack Valley Rotary Club celebrates Talk Like A Pirate Day! Be havin' fun, learn new things, be th' talk o' yer neighborhood. September 19, Skip's Restaurant. 7: 15 AM......everyone be invited! Arrrrrrrr!

September 12, 2007


Tickets are now available for the Merrimack Valley Rotary's upcoming Antiques Appraisal Night which will be held October 17 from 7 - 9pm, at the Tewskbury Hopital Old Chapel on East Street in Tewksbury. This event is sponsored by the Merrimack Valley Rotary Club and proceeds will go to the therapeudic equestrian programs at T.H.E FARM. Interested people can contact any club member for tickets to the show. Admission is $10 and if you'd like to have your item appraised, there is a $20 appraisal fee for admission and appraisal. Appraisals must be pre-paid and registered by calling (978) 446-9366. Seats are limited as are the number of appraisals. Also planned is a 50/50 raffle and light refreshments will be available. We have lots of interest so far, this one will be a sell out. Get your tickets early!!

September 10, 2007

DG Gregs first official meeting with Assitant Governors

Greg held his first official meeting with this year Assistant Governors. Also in attendance were DGN Klaus Hachfeld and DGE Carol Toomey. The meeting was held Sept 5th at the Westside Grill in Northborough, MA

To date Greg has completed 43 visits and is on track with his objectives for his year as Governor. He expressed his desire to make this years District Conference a real success by having more clubs participate in the event next May.

Klaus made a plea for the Nov. 3rd UN trip in New York City. He's still looking for district Rotarians to take advantage of the event. Klaus also reminded us about the Northeast link conference coming up on Sept. 28th. The event is free to Rotarians but there is a nominal charge for the meals.

Carol gave us an update on the District Public Relations that she's overseeing. The drive is on for new members and general publicity for the district.

August 27, 2007

Amazing Years Of Service Records!

Recently this blog reported on a Rotarian in Tallahassee who had accomplished 73 years in a row without missing a meeting. The question was then asked, "who holds the record for the most consecutive years in the District without missing a meeting? "

Here are two people who certainly could claim that title.
Leonard White
Leonard White of the Auburn Rotary Club joined the Club in 1944. And still has perfect attendance. That is 63 yeas without missing a meeting!

Bob Mead
Bob Mead join the Bedford Rotary Club in 1957 and has never missed a meeting. That is an amazing 50 years without missing a meeting.

We are not certain if these are the record holders in the District. But whether they are or not, they deserve a standing round of applause!!!! If anyone knows anyone in the District with a longer record, please let us know!

August 18, 2007

Please Help The Environment & Community!

The Merrimack Valley Rotary is collecting and recycling empty ink and toner cartridges to help the community and the environment. For every cartridge the Club collects Staples will pay the Club money to be put into a fund that the Club has set up to give back to the community it serves.

We invite everyone to help.
In addition to raising funds, the Club also will be helping the environment. How does it help the environment?
  • For every ink or laser toner cartridge that is recycled, two quarts of oil are kept out of landfills.

  • The number of ink and laser toner cartridges thrown away in one year is enough to circle the earth.

  • It takes 1,000 years for an ink or laser toner cartridge to decompose in a landfill.Recycling ink or laser toner cartridges helps to decrease the amount of waste that goes into landfills and helps reduce the amount of toxic chemicals absorbed into the Earth.

Would you like to help? Please contact MVR Club President Ken Masson for more information including a list of the cartridges we are looking for and drop off sites for your cartridges. Either write to or call (978) 446-9366. Thank You!

August 3, 2007

We need you!!

I spoke with DGE Klaus Hachfeld this evening and he's been very busy preparing for his year as DG. He mentioned to me that he's seeking help with Northeast Link and the September meeting in Worcester. Hope you can help, it's a great experience to get involved wth the amabassodarial scholars.

July 14, 2007

Longest Perfect Attendance Record?

An article was recently posted in a newspaper in Tallahassee about a 93 year old Rotarian who has never missed a meeting in 73 years. He claims to be one of four people who are in the running for the longest unbroken record of attendance in Rotary history. That is a remarkable feat? That raises the question: Who has the longest unbroken attendance record in District 7910? Any volunteers?

Here is the link:

July 11, 2007

Blog Visitors On The Rise

Well, since starting this blog we've spanned the globe with readers. If you haven't seen the Site Meter at the bottom of the page it's worth viewing. To date we've had vistors from Japan, Switzerland, the UK, Norway, Turkey, India, France, Brazil, Argentina and a host of States right here at home. My wish is that we generate more stories from our own district in the form of club posts. It's really exciting to see how far news about our district travels on the internet.

New to blogging - it's easy. All you need to do is send me an email if you're a local Rotarian and I'll send you an invite to become an author. After that, it's as simple as logging in and making a post about your club or district. The world wants to hear from your club, why not blog something today??

July 6, 2007

District Website conversion

District 7910 now has a new home! The conversion to Clubrunner for the district website has been completed, streamlining the way all of our clubs in the district report their numbers and communicates. A big thanks to Larry McCleod for creating the original district website and maintaining it for so many years. Special thanks to Cheryl Rosen for proofing the data and making contributions for the success of the conversion.

You can access the site via the link on this blog's side bar or going direct to All clubs are encouraged to create logins and explore the site. Looks like Greg is off to a great start in his year as DG.

June 30, 2007

eClubs Are A Convenient Way For Making-Up Meetings

Rotary formed eClubs in 2001 for members to do makeups on line. Below is a list of those English Speaking Clubs where you can get makeups.


Rotary eClub One:
Rotary eClub of 3310:
Rotary eClub of District 7890:
Rotary eClub of Southwest USA, District 5510:
Rotary e-Club NY1 of District 7150:
Rotary eClub of London Centenary, District 1130:

Want to learn more:

Here is a link to a list of all the eClubs around the world:

June 21, 2007

10 days and counting!!

It's hard to believe that the new Rotary year is almost here. It's time for all incoming Presidents to put the finishing touches on their club goals and objectives for the new year if you haven't already. Many clubs are set for their annual installation dinners or cookouts depending on how they choose the honor the new leadership for 2007/08.

It's hard to believe that this is my final year as Assistant Governor for our district. I can't even tell you where the last two years have gone. I've met so many wonderful Rotarians across the district and from around the world. My only question is how do I follow up this role to continue support of the district.

Contratulations to all the new leaders and best of luck to Greg Roche on his year as District Governor. I know that this is going to be a fantastic year for all clubs in 7910!!

June 9, 2007

Antiques Night Was That And More!

The Merrimack Valley Rotary Antiques Appraisal Night was a night full of surprises and entertainment!

And who would have thought that of an antiques show!
There was the painting that was worth $30- $50 thousand. Then there was the music box that still played when you inserted a penny. The value of that box came in at over $5,000. But there was also the entertainer and very knowledgable Skinner Appraiser Stuart Whitehurst, who keep the crowd anxiously awaiting his comments on the next item. Stuart was recognizable by many people as he is one of the hosts of PBS's Antiques Road Show.

"If I tell you that it is cute, you will know it has no value, " he told the crowd. And everyone hoped that their item was not "cute." But there were some "cute" items there and the owners seemed thankful to know that what they thought was a gem was just a stone.

Then, there was his lesson on clocks. Most clocks are not clocks, they are time pieces he explained. "A clock has to have a chime to be a clock." Stuart said.

The crowd was entertained prior to the show by the music of local talent Fred Lospennato of the Strolling Serenades.
Overall, it was a very popular night...and the Merrimack Valley Rotary is planning on doing it again, next year. For more information on the Rotary write to

June 3, 2007

Equistrians Bite "Hounds" At Pace Event!

The dogs were hot and the horses were cool, but all-in-all it was a good day for the Merrimack Valley Rotary Club. On Sunday, June 3, the Merrimack Valley Rotary held their biannual hot dogs sales at the Old North Bridge Hound's pace event in at the Great Brook Farm in Carlislie, Massachusetts. The pace event is a horse competition which attracts equistrians from all over the area. Despite the fact that it was a cold and drizzly day, the event was active and the Rotary brought plenty of food for everyone, even the horses! Next event will be in September!

May 31, 2007

They're back ... Hound Dogs are on the grill!!

The Merrimack Valley Rotary Club will once again be selling Hound Dogs at the "Old North Bridge Hounds" pace event. The pace event will be held Sunday June 3rd at the Great Brook Farm in Carlisle. We'll be setting up at 11 am and the first hound dogs will be ready to go at noontime. Top 'em off with your favorite condiment or even some chilli if you dare. We'll be there until 2:30 ! Don't miss out on the regions best dogs (Hound Dogs that is) and watch as some truly beautiful horses trot off for their time trials!
The Farm is also open to visitors and you can even sample some of their great varieties of ice cream afterwards. Don't miss out!

May 19, 2007

Rotarians Conduct Career Day For Lowell Students

Lowell Rotarian Elkin Montoya (shown) and Chelmsford Rotarian Deborah Webb (shown) were two of several Rotarians who recently took part in a Career Day that was held at the headquarters for the Lowell Youthbuild program. Other Rotarians who took part were Robert McDonald, Ken Masson and Dan LeBlanc of the Merrimack Valley Rotary as well as David Crespo of the Lowell Club. Each Rotarian gave the students a 15 minute presentation on their profession. YouthBuild is a national organization that helps students achieve their GEDs, while teaching them a skill in construction by working on Affordable Housing Units.

May 14, 2007

District Conference - Sergeant at Arms Help This Weekend!

Anyone that could help with the Sergeant At Arms,particularly Sat afternoon,it would help.

Contact Mark Scolnick -

May 12, 2007


Skinner Appraiser Stuart Whitehurst will be hosting a live show in Dracut on June 6, from 7- 9 PM. The show, which is sponsored by the Merrimack Valley Rotary, will be held in the Grange Hall on Bridge Street in Dracut.
Whitehurst joined Skinner in 1995 with eleven years of experience in the field of fine and decorative arts. He also was instrumental in establishing Skinner as a leading source for all manner of historical documents, including books, manuscripts, letters, and autographs.
Beyond his knowledge of rare books and manuscripts, Stuart is a renowned senior generalist appraiser with extensive knowledge of Latin American Paintings; prints and manuscripts; and English, Continental and Chinese decorative works of art and furniture from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.. He is also a leading auctioneer at Skinner and has lectured before numerous audiences, including the Appraisers Association of America.
The price of general admission to the show is $10; all the appraisal spots are sold out. For more information and RSVP, call Ken Masson at (978) 446-9366 or write to

May 9, 2007

First meeting of the Rotary Roundup

Members from the Lowell, Dracut, Westford,Tyngsboro/Dunstable, Southboro and Merrimack Valley clubs were on hand for an area meeting to discuss opportunities for the clubs of the Merrimack Valley last night. There exists a need for centralization of club events and increased communications between the clubs to support each other and to aid in new member development and Rotarian retention.

The attendees have made plans to meet on a quarterly basis to develop online tools that will aid in communication. It was a good first meeting and a bit of an eye opener on how much more could be done to improve on the interaction and support between clubs. In all it was a very possitive discussion. With everyones small effort, the Rotary clubs of the Merrimack Valley will develop a new set of tools to better unify our goals.

May 8, 2007

Rotary Roundup

A number of clubs from the Merrimack Valley will be meeting at the Cafe Paradiso, 45 Palmer St. in Lowell this evening. The club leaders will be networking, discussing membership ideas, promoting club events and above all fellowship. This event revives a tradition of uniting the area clubs to promote development and awareness of this great organization we call Rotary. Want to attend?? This event begins at 6pm, all you need to do is make plans to be there.

May 5, 2007

Dancing With The Appraisals -Upcoming Antiques Appraisal Night Has It All!

Popular musician, Fred Lospennato, of the Strolling Serenades, will be entertaining the attendees at the Merrimack Valley Rotary's Antiques Appraisal Event. The show will be held on June 6, 2007 from 7-9 PM at the Grange Hall in Dracut. The show will feature appraisal's by Stuart Whitehurst. General Admission tickets are $10 and tickets for one appraisal and admission are $20. For more information contact Ken Masson at (978) 446-9366 or by writng

For more information about Fred contact:

Rotary was alive with the sound of music!

Dan LeBlanc, MVRC member and District AG, treated the Merrimack Valley Rotary to a presentation of his fiddling talents and skills. Dan, who has been playing for years, gave a show that demonstrated the full range of his talents. Being a breakfast club, it was a great way to start the morning. Dan promises that he will be back, and once he is scheduled, we will be sure to let everyone know! Stay tuned!

May 2, 2007

District 7910 Conference

Only 16 days until the start of the District Conference in Boxborough. Meals normally sell out so you need to reserve your seat early. As always, attending is free but meals are for a nominal fee.

See you there!

Roadshow sales

Ticket sales for the June 6th Antiques Roadshow are moving at a brisk pace. To date almost half of the appraisal tickets have been sold and about 75% of the sponsorship space. Contact a Merrimack Valley Club member before it's too late, space is limited.

April 20, 2007

It's official, MVC will host the Antiques Roadshow

Tickets are now available for the upcoming Antiques Roadshow to be held June 6th from 7 - 9pm, at the Dracut Grange Hall on Route 38. This event is sponsored by the Merrimack Valley Rotary Club and you can contact any member for tickets to the the show.

Admission is $10 and if you'd like to have your item appraised, there is a nominal $10 appraisal fee per item. Appraisals must be pre-paid and registered by calling (978) 446-9366. Seats are limited as are the number of appraisals. Also planned is a 50/50 raffle and light refreshments will be available.

We have lots of interest so far, this one will be a sell out. Get your tickets early!!

April 18, 2007

A Funny Thing Happened At Rotary Today

The Merrimack Valley Rotary had two funny visitors at a recent breakfast meeting. The occasion was Funny Day, which was designed to be a meeting full of funny jokes, pictures, and moments. During the breakfast the members were entertained by Little Squirt, the clown and Little Nipper, the dog! Breakfast had never been so much fun before!

April 14, 2007

A Resounding Success !!!

This year's District Assembly was a resounding success!! 60+ members of our district attended the annual assembly to become better informed about the changes taking place as well as some excellent ideas for membership, public relations, and leadership. The event was well organized and very informative giving our new leaders a jump start on their club roles for the coming year.

Great job to those who organized the event!


Vincent Borkowski, a member of the Southborough Rotary Club, recently met with the Merrimack Valley Rotary to discuss the importance of designing an ongoing and successful new member program.

Borkowski’s past experience includes working as staff member and regional officer of a national college fraternity. In this capacity,
he was responsible for training chapters in the management of their organization and new member recruitment.

One of his points, in his presentation to the Merrimack Valley Rotary, was that not having a good recruiting program would grow inactive membership. However, his key point was how to identify and communicate with a perspective member, and how to address their objections, thereby opening the door for Rotary membership.

In addition to understanding the methods of communication, he also spoke about finding hot pockets in order meet people and promote the Rotary. One important hot pocket he talked about was Town Meeting. He mentioned the fact that people who take the time to attend Town Meeting are also the type of people who will consider joining the Rotary.

Borkowski’s presentation to the Merrimack Valley Rotary was an abbreviated program, however it typically runs one day. For more information contact

April 11, 2007

April 10, 2007

Jessica Glynn Ambassadorial Scholar

If you'd like to learn a little bit of the life of a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar, read Jessica Glynn's blog about her life in Tanzania. Jessica is a current Ambassadorial Scholar studying in Tanzania Africa. Sounds like an interesting place and an incredible story!

The Link to her blog is posted in the blog roll.

District Website Meeting

The first meeting to discuss the future of the District website was held last night at the Piccadily Pub in Westborough. In attendance was Adam W., Greg R., Klaus H. and Dan L.

ClubRunner will be setting up a prototype environment for the team to test in. Greg will have the group questions and concerns answered at this Thursday's meeting with ClubRunner. ClubRunner will advise us when the test environment will be ready to test and Greg will hopefully have an update for us at District Assembly this weekend. The District goal is to be live and operational by July 1, 2007.

If everything goes to plan, ClubRunner will give clubs and the District some great tools and greatly simplify the RI and District reporting as well as help the club organization and exposure to the community.

Got questions?? Click on the header for a link to ClubRunner and see for yourself what it can do for your club. Neet stuff...

April 7, 2007

MV Rotary Learns The Hook, Line And Sinker Of Fishing

Fishermen and Fellow Rotarians John Duggan and Dan LeBlanc gave the members of the Merrimack Valley Rotary a lesson on April 4 in the basis of fishing. John casted out a hands-on presentation on the art of tying a knot and brought in a school of his rods to share with the group. In addition, Dan debuted a well-produced collection of fishing slides and video. Dan also shared with the group his collection of fishing rods which motivated the group to want to skip work and head towards the nearest fishing hole! The Merrimack Valley Rotary meets at Skips every Wednesday at 7:15 AM. For more information on the Merrimack Valley R0tary write to Fish On!

April 3, 2007

Fishing for Dummies

Join us for a little fishing humor and instruction April 4th. The Merrimack Valley club will learn the secrets of the pro's with John Duggin and Dan LeBlanc as they try to de-mystify the art of angling. What will be presented is anyone's guess but one this is for certain, someone will be fined!!

Don't miss this Spring time fishing primer!

March 29, 2007

Need New Members? MVR To Host A 1-Hour Seminar On Recruitment Techniques

Vincent Borkowski from the Southboro Club, has developed highly successful techniques on how to find and approach new members for your Rotary.

At the April 11th meeting of the Merrimack Valley Rotary, Vincent will pack into just one-hour, his full-day seminar on recruitment. Other Rotarians are welcome to join the Merrimack Valley Rotary Club for breakfast that day and take in Vincent's highly motivational and informative presentation.

The only cost of the event is the price of breakfast, which is $11.00. The Merrimack Valley Rotary meets every Wednesday at Skips Restaurant in Chelmsford from 7:15 AM - 8:30 AM.

For more information contact Ken Masson at (978) 446-9366 or by writing to

GSE Ambassador to Brazil speaks

2006 Group Study Exchange (GSE) ambassador to Brazil, Geralyn Burke, made her presentation to the Merrimack Valley Club at this Wednesday's meeting. The Merrimack Valley club sponsored her trip to Brazil in 2006 with funds from the Rotary Foundation. Geralyn told us of the profound impact the trip had on her life and of the possitive experiences she had while participating in the 4 week program.

Geralyn is in search of other Rotary clubs in need of a guest speaker, that would like to hear about her GSE experiences and about what she learned. The best way to have Geralyn visit your club is to contact the speaker chair from the Merrimack Valley.

March 23, 2007

District 7910 Assembly - Don't miss out!!

The District Assembly will be held on April 14 this year at the Doubletree Hotel in Westborough from 8 am to 1pm. Are you new to leadership within Rotary? Do you currently hold a leadership position within your club?? Do you wish you knew more about what happens around the district??? Attend the District Assembly for a better understanding of how it all goes together, where we're going as a district and have a little fun in the process. This event only happens once a year and it's an excellent opportunity to see first hand what the Governor will accomplish this year. Don't miss out!!

There is a small fee of $20 to cover the breakfast and the Lunch! You can register online at or by faxing to (508) 595-0184. Checks are payable to Rotary District 7910 and can be mailed to Cheryl Rosen, PO Box 3207, Worcester, MA 01613. If you have further questions please call Cheryl at (508) 791-9283. Please remember that you must register to attend!

See you April 14th!

March 16, 2007

DGE Greg Roche addresses incoming Presidents at PETS

DGE Greg Roche addresses incoming President Elects and Asssitant Governors at this years NEPETS held in Nashua, NH. Greg unveiled his plans for what promises to be an exciting and fun filled year for the district. His emphasis this year will be on furthuring club development and the expansion of new memberships.
Best of luck fo the upcoming year Greg!!


PE Naomi Pendergast of the Lowell club noticed this sign at the Courtyard Marriot during her stay for this years PETS in Nashua, NH. Pretty ironic and quite a laugh. Are they trying to tell us something? Even the manager got a chuckle.

March 13, 2007

Chelmsford Rotary Club

Chelmsford Rotary Club Fundraiser

An evening with John Stevens from "American Idol"
Brendan Murphy from "The Buddy Holly Story"

Date: Thursday, April 19, 2007
Time: 7:00 p.m. - Wine & hors d'oeuvres
Social Hour with the Stars
Concert: 8:00p.m.

Place: Lowell Memorial Auditorium

Price$50.00 per person

Contact : for tickets.

March 8, 2007

Merrimack Valley Club to host Antiques Roadshow

The Merrimack Valley Club will be hosting the Antiques Roadshow on the evening of June 6th 2007 at the Dracut Grange Hall on route 113 in Dracut, MA. Details on the fundraiser will be forthcoming.

In its 11th season, ANTIQUES ROADSHOW proves it will go to any lengths — more than 5,000 miles, in fact — to discover America's hidden treasures. Now they visit Dracut, MA to discover what you have hiding in your closet. Save the date for what promisses to be the event of the year.

Merrimack Valley Guest Speaker March 14th

Join us March 14th to hear Georgi Mueller's talk about affordable housing and 40b developments in Massachusetts. Georgi is on the Chelmsford Housing Committee and works locally as a Realtor. Meeting starts at 7:15am at Skips Restaurant in Chelmsford. See you there!

March 7, 2007

PDG Ralph Hammond visits the Merrimack Valley Club

PDG Ralph Hammond visited our club this morning to explain the benefits of the Rotary Foundation and how it can benefit our club and community. Each year District 7910 makes a significant contribution to the Foundation which enables every club in the District to recieve grant money for local and international projects. Ralph explained how to maximize the impact of club fundraising through matching grants as well as some of the programs like Group Study Exchange (GSE), Ambasadorial Scholarships and Peace Scholarships. All 0f these programs are all funded by club Foundation giving every year.

It's important to understand how the Foundation works and Ralph is more than willing to explain it's benefits to anyone with questions. At our March 28th meeting, 2006 GSE candidate Geralyn Burke, will be with us to share her experiences in Brazil. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about one the benefits of being a Rotarian.

March 2, 2007

Bob McDonald "Woodchuck Award"

The Merrimack Valley Club awarded the first ever "Bob McDonald Woodchuck Award" at their club meeting January 31st. The award was presented by current President Gordon "Hum" Neville to Bob McDonald in recognition of his recurring dream and subsequent tales about a woodchuck that stole his winning lottery ticket. It appears that Bob has been plagued visions of this Woodchuck for many years. Ken Masson, the creator of the award, felt that the story has been told so many times that an event commemorating his tale was long overdue. Bob also received a scratch lottery ticket which wasn't a winner.The Merrimack Valley Club will each year bestow this prestigious award upon the Rotarian that tells the biggest tale at one of our meetings. The award will be presented on the closest club meeting day to Groundhog day each year. Rotarians are welcome to join us for the ceremonies. We always look forward to having Rotarians visit our club with their stories. It's a great opportunity for fellowship and we always enjoy seeing new faces as well as the regulars. Think you have a winning tale?? Do a make up with us and you might be next years winner.Move over Punxsutawney Phil, the Merrimack Valley Club has the Bob McDonald Woodchuck Award !!

February 28, 2007

Merrimack Valley Club first ever membership reunion

The Merrimack Valley area club hosted it's first ever reunion meeting this morning at Skips Restaurant in Chelmsford, MA. There were lots of "almost" forgotten stories, trivia, a guest speaker, live music, raffles and above all fellowship.

This meeting was a group effort to boost the clubs membership. We're hopeful that at least a few of past members will re-join us as Rotarians. A great time was had by all. Many thanks to all those who visited and to the members that worked hard to make it all happen.

What a great way to start the day...